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Wednesday 24 January 2018

Amazing Ants

                                                       AMAZING FACTS ABOUT ANTS

Ants are social insects. They live in large colonies or groups. There are 3 kinds of ants in a colony: The queen, the female workers and males. The queen is the only ant that can lay eggs. Ants have a freaky kind of hive mind.A swarm of ants work together to select the ideal location for the hive. Ants are able to do this because of the way that they communicate. They talk in such a way that they form a seamless, brain like structure.

Ants talk using chemicals known as pheromones. The workers will release pheromones with specific messages in order to say things like "I'll show you where food is !" or " Danger".                                   Some ants practice primitive form of slavery.  Ants may seem like simple creatures , but they actually have rather evolved and complex societies. There are several ant species that raid neighboring  colonies in order to steal eggs or larvae to bring back to their own colonies. This is a practice that is known as dulosis.  of course this forcibly acquired young are not always turned into slaves. Sometimes they are used as a food source. The species that use dulosis are informally called slave making ants. Many of the ant species that use this practice do so in order to support their colonies.

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